After a great collaboration with chef Vladimir Mukhin and Digital Seasoning project, Vladimir said “Let’s do something about the mayo!” Mayo as a condiment have found a strong and seemingly permanent part in many cuisines around the world, but we all know it’s not a good substance for us. Vladimir asked a question that has been answered with “Condiment Mayo” project and which is currently to experience at Chef’s table by White Rabbit!

Interesting, but mayo earns love or hate relationship with consumers. Some really can’t stand the wobbly texture, where others love it and mix it with everything. I am playing with the wobbly and soft character of mayo that brings foods together, makes it more moist and round, and lets the flavors linger.

We use your own brain to create what we would like you to taste. Using our senses we can uncode what we have learned about a food, what we enjoy and what brings us the cravings for more of it, and rearrange the same sensations but with different ingredients and tools.

Taste the mayo visual and hear it in your mouth, let it wobble with your plate and feel the softness on your tongue. Now we can recreate the mayo experience through other senses and taste similar with alternative fatty food binders of Mukhin’s groundbreaking cooking.

food design tableware

Chef Vladimir Mukhin created an edible mayo experience that was combined with mayo face animation with sound design, custom plates for the tactile experience of mayo and spoons and forks for mouthfeel. Together was created a full sensory experience without consuming mayonnaise.

Mayo through all senses.


